Several people have asked about what we take on a trip like this. As I double-checked our list and put things in their places I snapped a few photos. We have a three-page checklist that seems to change every time I look at it.
Our Kitchen
From left to right (sort of), fuel, dishes, cook set, utensils, dish towel, coffee supplies, cutting board, foil & paper towels, dishwasher supplies (cat not included).
The Bathroom
Shower, shaving, dental, hair supplies, towels, shower shoes, etc. Nelson never likes to see us go and is always in the middle of packing:)
We carry two sleeping bags (in the blue & gold [Go Bruins!] stuff sacks), two blow-up pillows, two insulated blow-up mattresses (in the green stuff sack), tent poles, tent, ground cloth, and rain fly. All the tent gear fits in that black packing tube on the right.
The rain gear is on the left. We will send the rain pants home with Jan & Doug when they leave us in Solvang. Our new riding gloves are at the bottom of the photo. The rest are mostly Rob's clothes - hiking pants, riding jerseys, etc., and my new Patagonia skirt and top from REI. I didn't get my clothes packed before this photo, so double the amount of riding gear to get an idea of what we take combined.
Miscellaneous Other Stuff
First aid kit, bike repair kit, tent repair kit, maps, 2
Buffs, sun block, straps, head lamps, a
Stick, and our security system - two bear bells (plus a cable lock).
All of this stuff fits into our two panniers, a handle-bar bag, and strapped on the back rack of the bike. We leave the handle-bar bag and one pocket of the panniers pretty empty so we have a place to carry food and a bottle of beer or wine we pick up for dinner at the end of each day.