Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back From The Shake Down Ride

We just arrived back from our ride (and shopping). We left Fillmore around 4:30PM on Friday night. Wind in our face and lots of traffic.The three of us (Ev and I on tandem, Doug on single recumbent) made our way to the coast. We tried to simulate a day on the big tour, so we stopped at a grocery store and bought food before our destination of McGrath State Park in Ventura. Just before arriving we rode over a bridge spanning the harbor. Ev snapped a quick picture, but the ride is scary. Separate metal walkway and bike path to keep us away from cars but it's narrow and hard to keep a straight line.

Ten Dollars, per person, for a hiker/biker site! California is broke! We set up camp and made a dinner of pasta, salad and wine. Finished at dark, dishes, then bed. Oh, we did camp next to a large church group. They had a little revival going, and we heard part of the service.

Oatmeal for breakfast (what else?) and out of camp by 8:30AM. We took a different, and much better route back. We followed Foothill Blvd. over rolling terrain, not many cars and many bikes. Doug's wife, Jan, called and reported that their condo in San Diego was flooding. We were planning to rush back and meet Jan so they could head to San Diego. Turns out (after some worrying) that there was no flood. Tenant called and  had found no water.

Lunch in Filmore at a bar watching USA in the World Cup. Saw us tie the match, but later learned we lost. Off to REI. We can sure spend a lot on stuff! But we also saved so much by not buying a new GPS or shoes. We did buy new pillows. Last trip we stuffed our clothes in the sleeping bag stuff sacks for pillows. One issue was that we do not take that many clothes! Another is now we bought water proof sacks (expecting rain) and they are not the greatest feeling for pillows. Found some "cute" blow up ones that feel nice and are very small.

Then to Bent Up Cycles. Doug needed a tune-up and some new tires. Bought a flag for his new (to him) tandem trike. Jan, I know you have to work this trip, but we expect you to be there on the next one!

Ev set waypoints on as a test for the big trip. I think it worked well. We have a different link for the big trip on the blog main page.

Back home. I am sure next week will be a blur. Kendal comes home Monday to see us and take us to the train on Thursday. Have to sign up enough work to keep everybody busy, service the bike, get ready for the train, pack again, and second guess everything we do. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip you two...will be looking forward to your updates and your tweets!
