The Ride of 7-3-09. Orick to Eureka, CA
This ride had a little of everything. Of course we had hills and lots of granny gears but they were not as bad as yesterday. Our maps and book try to keep us off Hwy 101 as much as possible. We now know that riding East of the highway means hills. West of the 101 could bring anything. We rode on a great bike path through McKinleyville but then it led to the roughest road we have encountered. We did ride on the 101 when it is considered a freeway. We stopped at two information centers and met up with Jan for lunch. We again met up with her in Arcata after we had a coffee and pastries. Jan then got directions to our B&B and headed out to drop off our gear. We rode with Doug toward the KOA. Again off the 101, we encountered "rollers". We said goodbye to Doug at his turn off and thought we had a couple of easy miles into Eureka. Ha! Ten miles later we finally made it to the B&B. If we would have stayed on the 101 we might have missed all of the hills, the road construction, gravel, dirt, no street signs, inland warmth and coastal chill and ridden 7 less miles. But we made it.
The B&B is wonderful - a real shower and bed. Doug and Jan came into to town for dinner. We ate at nice Italian place.
Pictures are great. You should have strong leg muscles when you get home. Had a nice celebration for Erik - it is good to have him home. Love Dad and Nancy